Register here on May 15!
Waynflete Afterschool为学生提供了一个探索和成长的空间. bet365官网的专业团队创造了各种各样的活动来吸引和激励bet365官网的学生. These include arts and crafts, sports, hands-on science exploration, team building challenges, outdoor play and exploration, walking field trips, STEAM, cooking projects, multi-generational lessons, 并回馈波特兰社区. 从家庭作业辅导到有趣的体育活动, bet365官网的课程旨在为学生提供bet365官网的机会, grow, 放学后在轻松的环境中社交.
Days and times:
Wednesdays from 12:15–6:00 p.m.
在bet365官网的课外活动中,学生们是小年级水平小组的一部分,这反映了bet365官网的学术日成绩. bet365官网的项目遵循1:10的师生比例.
- Early Childhood (ages 3–4)
- Kindergarten–grade 1
- Grades 2–3
- Grades 4–5
- Grades 6–8 (The Hive)
2024-25学年开始注册 May 15, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
辅助项目部门提供课后照顾, Enrichment workshops, Athletic clinics, 以及在常规下课时间之后的音乐强化教学,以及暑期课程.
Questions? Contact our Auxiliary Programs Team at .
Register here on May 15!
Contact Information
Have a general inquiry about Afterschool? Contact us at .
Lila Dolan, 辅助项目主任助理
Office hours: 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Jenny Mueller, Director of Auxiliary Programs
Office hours: 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Afterschool Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday:
- 3:15–6:00 p.m. for Lower School
- 3:30–6:00 p.m. for Middle School
Wednesday (half day dismissal):
12:15–6:00 p.m.
All students must be picked up by 6:00 p.m.
注意:乌节街大门将只在低年级的接送时间开放. This gate will be locked after 3:30 p.m.
Rates and Discounts
View 2024–25 Afterschool rates
参加全日制课外活动的学生可以享受25%的费用折扣(除了中学的滑雪旅行和运动诊所)。. Families can use the code “FTAS” 在注册浓缩工作坊时获得折扣价格.
浓缩音乐教学的学生可以以50%的折扣报名参加为期十天的临时通行证. Families can use the code “ASMI” 当注册一个课后十天的通行证,以获得折扣价格.
Full Fun Days and Special Event Care
Full Fun Days and Special Event Care
全天欢乐日提供全天照顾(上午8:00).m.–3:15 p.m.),适用于因学校活动而停课的五年级至五年级学生, 比如家长会和教师专业发展日. 部分日托提供了特殊事件的日子, 比如五月的祖父母和朋友节. 完整的欢乐日与课后套餐是分开购买的.
2024–25 dates:
- Friday, October 25 • 8:00 a.m.–3:15 p.m. • EC–grade 5
- Friday, January 17 • 8:00 a.m.–3:15 p.m. • EC & K–1 only
- Monday, March 31 • 8:00 a.m.–3:15 p.m. • EC–grade 5
- Friday, May 2 • Noon–3:15 p.m. •五年级(祖父母和朋友日)
- Friday, May 9 • 8:00 a.m.–3:15 p.m. • EC–grade 5
Afterschool Teachers
课后老师提供健康的零食和适合年龄的户外活动, including a balance of structured games, science/art projects, and free play.
The Afterschool team is made up of the Auxiliary Programs director, Auxiliary Programs assistant, and 10+ experienced educators.
课后教师在课堂管理方面展现了自己的技能, lesson planning, 以及社会和情感bet365官网概念(SEL). 教师与低年级和初中教师和学校辅导员沟通,以解决个别学生的需求.
Auxiliary Programs Office
Waynflete’s Auxiliary Programs 部门负责监督每天的课外活动, weekly Enrichment workshops/classes, private music lessons, and Waynflete SUMMER camp programs. The Auxiliary Programs 主任设计和运行适合年龄的bet365官网机会,为低年级和初中学生, bringing local teaching artists, musicians, 还有专门的讲师来校园分享他们的经验, talent, and inspiration after school. We invite you to share your ideas for engaging programs and activities!
The Auxiliary Programs 系主要专注于社会和情感bet365官网(SEL),并为学生创造bet365官网终身技能和课程的机会. We provide a nurturing environment, friends, athletic and social opportunities, organized games and supervised free play, 还有犯错的空间——所有这些都是在有利于bet365官网的氛围中进行的.
参与者发现新的兴趣和才能,同时建立丰富生活的技能. The Enrichment staff, teachers, 讲习班讲师促进团队建设,以培育一个包容的社区,每个声音都很重要,学生可以分享他们独特的贡献和观点.
Questions? Email
Teaching Standards
课后教师在课后项目和bet365官网的低年级和中学项目之间保持一致性, 包括响应式课堂教学原则. 鼓励学生发展和分享观点, 在情感和身体安全的环境中做冒险者,培养个人表达. The Afterschool Standards 告知bet365官网对待社会互动和人际关系的方式, community-building, programming and activities, our daily environment, as well as safety, health, and nutrition.
Each day, 课后学生通过一个简短的循环时间或时间过渡到校外活动 社区会议建立学生与教师的联系,并为每个学生提供被看到和听到的时间. 日常工作为学生提供了实践责任的机会. 每个项目都会创建一个章程,学生们在其中决定一些重要的生活规则. Waynflete的核心价值观为课后决策和规则奠定了基础:1)照顾好自己, 2) take care of others, and 3) take care of the environment.
Standards and Operating Guidelines
Wellness Statement
Nutritious Daily Snacks
Daily snacks provided in Afterschool are wholesome and nutritious; high in vegetable, fruit, and natural grains content; and low in sugar content. When possible (as health protocols allow), 零食是由课后教学团队在校园自制的. 课外活动可以适应大多数医疗和过敏限制. bet365官网的员工经过培训,以保持高标准的过敏意识和环境,使各种过敏的住宿.